Legal pretense for:

    For money, debt returnFor the appropriate actions of companies, institutions, organizationsFor non-performance of the agreement, non-compliance with obligationsFor poor quality of service or itemFor arrogant and / or dishonest behaviorOther


    Minimum price 60 Eur (volume of the legal letter – 1 page)
    Preliminary price: One page of the legal letter – 50 Eur

    Preliminary prices for the pretense:

    For the sale of a car with hidden defects (usually the price is 250 – 300Eur)
    For the actions or inactions of the insurance company, bank (usually the price is 200 – 300Eur)
    For the actions of real estate brokers and / or sellers (usually the price is 200 – 300Eur)
    For construction, housing installation, repair or furniture production works (minimum price – 60Eur)
    For vehicle repair (minimum price – 60Eur).